I am at that stage of my life when I’m vibrating on a whole “other” frequency level. I no longer second guess myself, I know my worth and I no longer do “free work for the experience”. It took me a while to get here and I must say it’s a delight to be here but It didn’t happen overnight.
It took years of practice, hard work, and dedication and of course creating systems for success and building a morning routine that sets the tone for the day. I was not always a morning person, but I trained myself to become one by creating a morning routine that works for ME. Today, I will be sharing 5 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person.
5 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person
- Create a Habit: This is the first thing I did when I wanted to create a routine. It is said it takes 6 weeks to build a habit and that is exactly what I did. I had to create a goal which was the first thing I did as you have to decide on a reason why you need a morning routine. Is it to wake up earlier to get to work on time? Is it to ensure you always start the day with Breakfast? Or maybe you want to spend more time in prayer or meditation. Whatever it is, it will take 6 weeks to do this repeatedly at the same time daily to get the results you want.
- Prepare from the Night Before: This in my opinion is a no-brainer, but for some people, this is easier said than one. I’ve started going to the Gym since October 2020 and chose the morning session from 6 am-7 am
due to my work schedule. In order to meet this timeline and ensure I’m not late, preparation starts the night before. I select my outfits for work + the gym, select shoes & accessories and iron what needs to be ironed, pack my gym bag then put it in the car along with my work clothes. Another step of my preparation is making my Breakfast at the same time I prepare dinner. This ensures that after I work out, I will have a wholesome meal to start the day and also lunch so I don’t have to struggle in traffic, then hustle to get back within a specific time frame. I know this might sound like a lot for most people but it works for me and has been a game-changer.
- Get a Workout In: I am proud to say, I have become one of those “Gym People”. I knew I always wanted a Lifestyle change, but I always thought I would not be able to afford one or even keep up! Fast-forward to now when It’s been 3 years of going to the gym consistently– It was less about weight loss and more about moving my body to get mental clarity. My job is quite stressful as a Digital Marketer where I have to deal with a variety of people who are quite “interesting” to say the least and going to the gym has quelled that urge to punch somebody in the face for saying or doing something stupid. I don’t actually see myself punching somebody in real life but I have imagined it a few times …lol. Working out for you might look like doing a 15 minute set on YouTube or Yoga. Whatever you decide, get moving!
- Wake up Earlier: This should have been number 1 on the list but here we are. One sure-fire way to become a morning person is to actually wake up earlier! This again takes practice and will require some finesse. When I started the journey, I was working from home so I had a little wiggle room to implement a few “Lifestyle Strategies”. My goal was to wake up at 5 am after my initial time of 8 am so each morning I practiced waking up an hour earlier for 6 weeks (forming a habit) then when I was used to it, I trained myself to wake up at 5 am. There were a few mornings I got up at 5:30 am after a while but that was due to my workload or the time of the month when I was just exhausted and my body needed to rest.
- Go to Bed Earlier: Well duh! This means switching off devices at a specific time and start winding down. My bedtime is 9 pm which works wonders for me! This apart from genetics is the reason why I don’t look a day over 21 at 35:-). This means getting everything done at a specific time so I can go to bed on time. I stop taking outside calls at 7 pm and family calls and messages at 8 pm and by then I would have showered, done my skincare, and any other hygiene-related routines. If you have trouble falling asleep you might want to look into non-habit forming sleep aids and maybe even aromatherapy. A game-changer for me in this regard has been a humifider I use with just water to purify the air and it helps to rid the room of any toxins in the air that allows me to have a peaceful sleep without waking up with a stuffy nose.
Becoming a morning person is doable, however, you have to be willing to make the sacrifices to become one. Let me know in the comments section if you are a morning person and if not, how you became one.
#5 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person
#5 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person
#5 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person
#5 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person