In a recent couple of years, and especially during the course of this year, we have been witnesses to many strides taken by the fashion industry. At this year’s
Copenhagen Fashion Summit, circularity, sustainability, better work conditions and ethical clothing production were discussed. Great emphasis was placed on the fabrics that will represent the future of fashion. Pledges have been made to use fewer chemicals when processing natural fabrics, as well as to create new and innovative fabrics that will stand the test of time. Sustainability in fashion isn’t just a matter of longer-lasting clothes, it’s about fewer items ending up on landfills, less water and resources spent in the production process and less pollution overall. So, what is the future? Non-processed or minimally processed organic fabrics, such as cotton, linen, and bamboo, the latter being the point of this article. There are numerous benefits of opting for clothing made from this fabric, and today we’ll be discovering them all.
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Going green
Hints on the first benefit have already been given in the introduction – organic means less waste, more durability, no processing and, subsequently, no pollution. The beauty industry is going green, we are doing everything in our power to save our beloved planet, so it’s time to go back to organic fabrics, and there’s no better place to start than with bamboo. After all, it is one of the world’s most eco-friendly fabrics. It has the ability to replenish itself, all thanks to its amazing extensive rooting system that grows anywhere from four to six new shoots a year. In addition to all that, it’s completely biodegradable, and as a plant, it’s one of the biggest providers of usable oxygen. However, it’s the self-replenishing factor that enables us to resort to this natural source of fabric, because, if we do everything right, we won’t run out of it any time soon.
The superb feel
The fibers of organic bamboo are completely natural and devoid of any kind of chemical treatment, which allows them to be naturally smooth and feel better on the skin even than silk – which is similar in texture. So whether you’re wearing a bamboo blouse, pants, or even something that as close to the skin as
amazing and comfortable women’s underwear, you will feel incredible in it. There are no sharp spurs, nothing that could irritate the skin even the slightest. You see, there is a common misconception that sustainability entails a great deal of sacrifice, but no – these fabrics are some of the most pleasant and softest that will ever touch your skin, so once you go organic, you’ll never look back. Aside from the softness, you would be surprised with how breathable the fabric is, which isn’t important only during the sweltering summer heat – our skin needs to breathe all year round, and clothing made of this fabric will allow it to do so. You’ll be cooler (literally) than everyone else, which will lead to less inconvenient perspiration, and thanks to the ‘bacteria killing’ property, there will be little to no perspiration odor present.
The health factor
Did you know that organic bamboo is hypoallergenic? Yes, indeed, and this makes it the perfect healthy choice for anyone who has a tendency of experiencing an allergic reaction to some of the other natural fabrics such as wool or hemp. In addition to that, it’s also antibacterial and antifungal, all due to a built-in anti-bacteria and bacteriostatic bio-agent called “Bamboo Kun”. It’s also what enables it to grow healthy without the use of pesticides, so when you purchase a garment on which the label states ‘organic bamboo’, you know exactly what you’re getting. This, let’s call it ‘innate’ trait of bamboo, is what makes it so safe – it kills bacteria all on its own, so you never have to worry about what’s hiding in the garment touching your skin. On top of all that, according to the
Organic Lifestyle Magazine, bamboo is one of the best fabrics for your bedding as well, because it has the ability to wick water twice as fast as cotton, resulting in fewer dust mites, which we all know are some of the major culprits of allergy flare-ups. And, as the cherry on the cake, this fabric also has the power to protect you from up to
98% of UV rays.

The bearable ease of maintenance
Another misconception about organic fabrics is that they are difficult to maintain, but bamboo clothing can be washed in the same way most of your other garments can. Just make sure to wash it using the gentle cycle, and when you iron it, set the iron to low heat – simple as that. Avoid drying it in a regular drier as the machine could cause the garment to lose shape more quickly. Get back to the old-fashioned line drying, it’s fun and kind of retro.
Now that you have all the information, there is absolutely no reason not to take the greenway, so go shopping and always check the labels, because organic bamboo isn’t only our fashion present, but our future as well.
Mia Taylor is a fashion and beauty enthusiast from Sydney and writer for www.highstylife.com. She loves writing about her life experiences. Traveling and enjoying other cultures and their food with her husband is a big part of her life. She is always on the lookout for new trends in fashion and beauty and considers herself an expert when it comes to lifestyle tips.
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